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Donkey Kong Merchandise

If you’re a fan of the banana-loving primate of the Nintendo world, you’ll love our officially licensed line-up of Donkey Kong merchandise.

Start browsing today to take advantage of our incredible offers, including massive discounts and multi-buy deals!

The King Of Barrel Throwing

Donkey Kong made his first appearance in the 1981 video game of the same name, featuring as the primary antagonist working against Mario (later called Jumpman). Becoming a huge hit with fans, the ape would go on to feature in many more Nintendo games.

In the spin-off series Donkey Kong Country, Donkey Kong must battle a clan of evil crocodiles called the Kremlings, led by King K Rool, and protect his hoard of bananas from his nemesis.

Since his introduction, Donkey Kong has become one of Nintendo’s most popular characters. He is known by name around the globe and has become a mascot for the Nintendo brand.

Banana Slamma Deals

If you’re a fan of the king of swing, our huge selection of Donkey Kong merchandise will make you go completely bananas.

Here you will find originally designed clothing, created by our talented in-house team. Inspired by Donkey Kong’s many appearances, you can outfit yourself with his logo, emblem, slogans, and more. Choose from a selection of T-shirts, hoodies, and sweatshirts — available in a broad range of sizes for men, women, and kids. (All our attire is officially licensed and made from responsibly sourced materials.)

Looking for something to turn your home into an ape jungle? Make yourself a banana smoothie, and enjoy what is undoubtedly the best flavour in the world (if we’re going to take the word of an oversized monkey) from our ceramic mugs. Alternatively, you can give your walls an upgrade with a ton of posters.

What are you waiting for? Go ape, and shop our Donkey Kong merchandise today!