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The Royle Family Merchandise

Enjoy the hilarious world of The Royle Family by exploring Zavvi’s complete product line of DVDs, available now from our online store.

We have everything you need, covering the beloved series from start to finish, along with its comedic holiday specials - now available all in one place for you to experience again and again.

Who Are The Royle Family?

Featuring a cast of hilarity inducing members of the titled Royle family, the show follows this TV-addicted cohort as they go about their day-to-day lives in comedically unconventional fashion.

Join husband Jim (Ricky Tomlinson), wife Barbara (Sue Johnston), daughter Denise (Caroline Aherne), son Antony (Ralf Little), and Denise’s partner, David (Craig Cash), as they take you on a three-series journey into their lives.

Focusing on the archetypal stereotypes of the working-class family, The Royle Family derives its humour from the diverse range of conversations that take place between the different characters. And you better believe there are no shortages of those!

Following this instant-classic family, time passes mostly linearly, with time changes being marked by the switching of the various TV channels throughout each episode.

Whereas other similar shows are notorious for their forced inclusion of a laugh track, producer Glen Wilhide was adamant the show would retain its humour founded solely on the basis of its own comedic merit. And that’s exactly what the show did – to tremendous success.

Interestingly, The Royle Family is widely recognised as a direct influencer for the modern reality TV show Goggle Box, depicting groups of families commenting on various television shows. As a predecessor to Goggle Box, the show can be regarded as a fictional version of this exact same concept, establishing a defining legacy for the show that began in 1998.

Where Is The Royle Family Set?

Based in the UK’s own Manchester, the Royle family spend most of their time lined in front of the television screen, setting the show as a simplistic yet boundlessly effective comedy experience that utilises the comedic wit of its cast and script writers to engage the audience across multiple series.

Winning numerous awards and being ranked as one of the best British TV shows of all-time, this basic format has stood the test of time to mark The Royle Family as a defining piece of British TV.

Join The Family!

Become the latest member of the Royle family as you browse through Zavvi’s selection of The Royle Family DVDs, allowing you to enter into the family circle and join alongside this comedy unit.