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Harry Potter–Themed Tables

Since the release of author J.K. Rowling’s fantasy novels and the blockbuster films based upon them, the wizarding world has conjured a plethora of Harry Potter merchandise, including home décor. One such example is a Harry Potter–themed table, which is an easy way to start transforming your living space into a miniature version of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Table Styles

These tables come in a wide variety of styles, with surface tops depicting familiar imagery, such as the Hogwarts crest and the Daily Prophet. However, they are not only visually appealing, but also functional. If you’re sipping on a cup of coffee and want to set it down, simply bring out the coasters (to prevent stains) and let the table handle the heavy lifting.

Like any good item of furniture, a Harry Potter table can serve as a focal point in your living room, providing a great conversation starter when you’re entertaining guests. Even so, they don’t overshadow the aesthetic of the surrounding space, merely complementing it with a touch of magic.

Table Materials

Our Harry Potter side tables are made from premium-quality materials that are designed to last. The circular surface is high-grade plywood with a double shellac coating for a clean finish, and the legs are powder-coated steel, available in several colours (black, white, stainless steel, gold, and rose gold).

What they lack in compartments, they make up for in strength and durability. Safe in the knowledge that these tables can support the load, you can feel comfortable laying down your books, drinkware, and other items of reasonable weight.