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The Shining T-shirts

Here’s Zavvi!

If you're looking for some high-quality The Shining T-shirts, then Zavvi AU is the place for you. Our officially licensed T-shirts draw inspiration from the critically acclaimed novel and movie, giving your wardrobe some extra style.

Start browsing today to discover our exclusive deals and massive discounts on a range of The Shining T-shirts — we guarantee you’ll go crazy for them!

A Classic Horror Story

The Shining is one of the most iconic Gothic horror stories of all time, finding its routes as a 1977 novel by author Stephen King. Thanks to the novel’s enormous success, a movie adaptation was later made.

Directed and produced by Stanley Kubrick, The Shining (1980) set the bar for heart-racing cinema. The live-action adaptation of the novel is regarded as a classic of the horror genre, with the movie being nominated for (and winning) various awards.

The story follows Jack Torrance (Jack Nickolson), an aspiring writer who moves to the Overlook Hotel in the Colorado Rockies with his wife, Wendy (Shelley Duvall), and son, Danny (Danny Lloyd). Jack takes on the role of a caretaker and discovers that the hotel has a dark past, with the previous caretaker going insane and murdering his family.

Throughout the film, we witness the deterioration of Jack’s sanity, which subsequently endangers his wife and son.

Come Play With Us

If you’re a fan of the film or literary source material, you’ll love our officially licensed The Shining T-shirts — available in different sizes (from small to XL). Our inspired clothing range is perfect for those fans who want a little extra horror in their day-to-day lives.

Whether you want to wear a T-shirt whilst watching Kubrick’s masterpiece at home or find a fantastic gift for a friend or loved one, we’ve got a wide selection of The Shining T-shirts for you to choose from!